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Wildlife Sanctuary
On 212 acres, Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation provides permanent residence to approximately 600 animals. These include wildlife such as parrots and other non-native birds, several species of primates (lemurs, spider monkeys, macaques, marmosets, and others), native and non-native felines (mountain lions, bobcats), black bears, non-releasable coyotes, and more.
All the wildlife who call WRR home are non-releasable due to physical disabilities, human desensitization, or are non-native animals who have no place to go and would have little chance of survival. Before finding sanctuary at WRR, many animals were subjected to abusive or neglectful situations. They were victims of the wild animal “pet” trade, roadside zoos, or used in research laboratories. We care for bobcats and mountain lions who have been declawed and defanged and kept as “pets,” elderly macaque monkeys who have lived their entire lives prior to WRR in a small cage in a research lab, and farmed animals saved from the slaughterhouse or other abusive or neglectful conditions.
Each resident is provided with the best possible living situation. We build and maintain large enclosures, most of which are more than an acre; for example, we have a three-acre fox enclosure and a 6.5-acre primate compound. The 4.5-acre wooded mountain lion enclosure is situated on a rocky bluff — an environment perfect for climbing and hiding. Primate enclosures have trees, tall grass, and wooden climbing structures. No animal lives behind bars in a small enclosure on a concrete slab. We have taken what nature has provided and simply enclosed a portion of it for the animals to give them a comfortable and stimulating home for the rest of their lives.

Farmed Animal Rescue
Beyond native and non-native wildlife, Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation provides lifetime sanctuary to over 300 animals who are commonly found on farms. Rescued from FFA programs, cruelty situations, abandonment, and auction—these are just a few of the circumstances that make up the histories of the farmed animals at WRR.
WRR’s Farmed Animal Sanctuary was formally established in 1999 when an organization in north Texas found it necessary to close its doors. WRR agreed to take in the cows, sheep, goats, and others in need and let them make their home in the pastures of our Kendalia site. Since then, hundreds have found the peace and safety they need at WRR.
Before rescue, these animals were destined for a life of suffering, exploitation, and death, very often in the “factory farm” food industry where they were thought of as commodities useful only for consumption and profit. Several of the farmed animals at WRR were rescued from school programs when the children who had raised them refused to send the animals to slaughter. Some, such as the donkeys and mules, were rescued from kill trucks headed to Mexico and Canada. Still others were former “pets” whose charm had worn off and they were no longer wanted.
While many of these resident animals have experienced harsh treatment in their youth, we take solace in the fact that for the rest of their lives, they will be allowed to live peacefully in our care.