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Release Sites

Thank you for your interest in our organization and in helping wildlife!

Every year, we release thousands of mammals on properties that have been pre-screened and deemed suitable for each species. The most commonly released animals are squirrels, opossums, raccoons, and skunks, with smaller numbers of bobcats, coyotes, and foxes.

A protected release site meets the following criteria:

  • The acreage is privately owned
  • Neither hunting nor trapping are allowed on the property, and preferably do not occur on neighboring lands
  • There is a year-round water source
  • It does not have a high fence (for White-tailed Deer releases; for other species, this is acceptable)
  • There is plenty of vegetation and trees
  • The property is at least 100 acres and is not near high traffic or highly populated areas
  • You are willing to allow us to conduct a site visit to determine which species are appropriate for your area
  • When it’s time for releases, you’re available to give our staff access to the property
  • In some cases, we ask the landowners to provide supplemental food and water to the animals for the first week while they adjust to their new home

WRR rehabilitates native wildlife for the purpose of returning them to the wild to live the lives that nature intended. We hope you will consider being a part of this process by letting some of them live on your property.

Provide a Wildlife Release Site

A critical component of our wildlife rehabilitation program is a species-appropriate and protected release site. If you own a large parcel of land and you would like it to become a protected release site for animals rehabilitated by WRR, please fill out and submit an Application for Protected Release Site via email to release@wildlife-rescue.org or by mail to:

Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation
PO Box 369
Kendalia, TX 78027

We will then contact you to arrange a site visit.


Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation
Kendalia, TX
P.O. Box 369
Kendalia, TX 78027
Phone: 830-336-2725 / Fax: 830-336-3733
Email: info@wildlife-rescue.org

Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation
San Antonio, TX
WRR’s Roger & Phyllis Sherman
Animal Care Complex
11902 Rustic Ln.
San Antonio, TX 78230
Phone: 830-336-2725